Monday, March 16, 2020

Game Changer

Someday we will ask? Where were you when the Coronavirus changed your town?

A month ago I was channel surfing to take a break from the Democratic Primaries. I paused on a Chinese station with English subtitles. They were talking about a new virus in China that was spreading. Mmmm. It looked dangerous but I had heard nothing on my major news shows.

Now, the Coronavirus is the only thing on my major news shows.

Hannah Ritsema's wedding is postponed, Bishop Manto's visit and Confirmation is postponed.

I am waiting to hear if my March 31 total hip replacement is postponed. My hip has deteriorated so dramatically that I can barely walk. I want this replacement more than anything at the moment.

O LORD, we beseech you favorably to hear the prayers of your people; that we, who are justly punished for our offences, may be mercifully delivered by thy goodness; 
Grant us as a nation 
  That you from your boundless mercy, would forgive us all our sins and grant us the grace of true repentance,
  That you would graciously intervene to stop the spread of this plague,
  That you would kindly heal those who are already sick,
 That you would protect from infection all those who mercifully minister to the sick,
That you would use us, your people, as agents of your love and compassion,
And that you would draw all men to yourself through the saving power of Jesus Christ crucified, for the glory of your Name; 

through Jesus Christ our Savior, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Ghost ever, one God, world without end. Amen.