Sunday, July 6, 2014

Once Again: July 4th in Seward, Alaska

Last year on July 4th in Seward we told our friends we were moving to Virginia. I knew we would return to Anchorage but doubted we'd experience our unique Alaskan July 4th TRADITION again.

But we did, with a 'twist'.

Seward is a deep water port on Resurrection Bay, 120 miles south of Anchorage. The town of 2,500 sits at the base of Mt. Marathon. On July 4th 30,000 watch the annual race up the steep mountain. Over the years Happy Hikers have 
participated in the 11:15 am Women's Race (350 women runners). Every year some Happy Hikers, with Carol Sheridan as guide, climb to the top of the mountain to cheer the racers. 

This year Jordin Thompson and Hope Basinger ran for the second year in the Women's Race.

Most in this group hiked up the mountain to take photos of the Junior Race (half way up the mountain) and the Women's Race at the top. They hiked down the mountain before the 3 pm start of  the Men's Race.

Martha, Bruce, and I spent the morning wandering along the waterfront. We met the EMT's heading up the mountain and thanked them for volunteering their skill. They told us they hoped they would not be needed.

We watched the women race up and down the mountain. Jim got photos of  Hope on the top.

Charles flew to Seward in Scott's plane from Homer and arrived in time to see her come off the mountain and head toward the finish.

Happy Hikers then began the steep descent. About 1:30, just above the midway point,  Marilyn Watts had a mis-step and fell to the ground in pain. She severely broke her right angle. Jim immediately called 911 and EMTs climbed to her aid. They moved her slightly off the trail and discussed plans to hoist her down the mountain and transport her to the ER.

The Wedding of the Century

Someone else used that title for the wedding of Michal Wilson & Brian Kolb on June 28, 2014 at All Saints Episcopal Church, Anchorage, AK. It is a fitting title. The obstacles were many.
We have known the Wilson family since Michal was a preschooler. I had the privilege of teaching Michal, Andrew, and Dan in Sunday School.  Michal and Brian met at Wheaton, my alma mater.

Most of the wedding party were Wheaton friends. Hope was also a bridesmaid and involved in the festivities. I praise God that a sudden closed door allowed  Michal to spend this year with her family in Anchorage. Hope is now grieving Michal's move back to Chicago.