Sunday, December 13, 2015

Such a WARM December

It has been a very warm December as you can see on the speedometer recently. Christmas eve is suppose to be  74 degrees with rain.

2015 Christmas Letter         

Shower for Lauren and Erik at the Farmhouse

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Advent 2015

No Show Guests

I invited 3 lovely women for coffee, tea, & breakfast today at 9:30. Actually I invited them about 3 weeks ago and we finally agreed on today,  SO I thought. One told me last night that she could not make it. I emailed the others as a reminder. But no one came.

Entertaining is always an opportunity to clean up and this was no exception. So after gathering boxwoods at Oatlands yesterday for our wreathmaking, I went into overdrive. Into the  Farmhouse attic for  the Advent wreath. Prepping for breakfast pizza with Brooklyn Bred, make soup for Bible Study, etc. 

So I am now sitting in a fairly clean house with good food and freshly brewed coffee. Just sitting and typing and it actually feels great. Need to work on CBS Revelation and Worcester Christmas stocking.