Good Bye, Hope |
Please, remember, Hope, that this is your HOME too.
I am thankful we had almost 2 weeks with Hope. I could not convince her to stay in the guest
suite but that is okay, as long as she uses Jim's bathroom in the cottage.
Some of the highlights:
Hope attends wedding in Lynchburg and has a mini-reunion with college friends.
We visit Gordon & Vickie & Jen in Raleigh and see my mother. Breakfast at Ihop.

Vickie, a Docent for the North Carolina Capital in Raleigh, gives us a private tour. |
George Washington
Vickie's incredible blueberry birthday cake for my 64th birthday.
We Skype with Jacquie in Hong Kong after her visit to Korea.
Hope wanted to show me the changes at Liberty and buy some LU clothing at the book store so we
returned to Oatlands via Lynchburg
The Chaplows at the farm.
Hope wears herself out visiting cousins and takes a nap on the porch.